Episode 1 of ‪#‎fearLESS‬ Do-Gooders!
Good evening #fearLESS friends! It's finally here! Please give a warm welcome to our first Do-Gooder! We traveled to Boston, MA to visit...

Trailer at 10am Video release at 7pm
Hey there "Do-Gooders! After a VERY long day yesterday of video edits and audio I have a short trailer that will go up on the Brand...

Back from Do-Gooder mission #1
Good morning! My fearLESS assistant Nino and I are checking in for a quick recap of last night's first #fearLESS Do-Gooder mission with...

Intro to Do Gooder #1
Yesterday we headed to Boston, MA for our first episode of #fearLESS Do-Gooders with Project Do Something Boston. They are doing amazing...