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March fearLESS Recap

Can you believe it’s April? I don’t know about you but March sure did come in like a lion but I’m not sure she’s gone out like a lamb. March was filled with a whirlwind of events, business opportunities, vet appointments, wellness activities and just pure fun. April seems like she plans on doing lots of the same. I welcome all of it with open arms and a grateful heart.

I attended everything from a delicious after hours dinner at Feng Asian Bistro in Hartford with the always amazing Dr. Ming Wu, of the Wu Healing Center; the opening of the Nasty Women’s art exhibit at The Institute Library in New Haven, CT., business socials at the New Haven Village Suites, tours of The Grove, a trip to Haverhill, MA to see the infamous Tom Tam, to living it up in Southie for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston, MA.

Each day in March seemed to bring new adventure and opportunities. It started out with a visit to Massachusetts to see my long time friend, hairdresser and owner of HairXotica , James. It was time for another “Hair Explosion Party” but this trip would be done solo. What an awesome visit! The good news is my hair is continuing to grow and get stronger each day. Stay tuned for my next visit in May right before my long overdue weekend vacation to Cape Cod with one of my rescue dogs, Finnegan.

My wellness journey is ongoing and each month I attend things like Tong Ren, Tui Na,

Qi Gong/Tai Chi all at the Wu Healing Center in West Hartford, CT. On top of my regular healing maintenance activities there and here at home I also go to my naturopath, Samadhi Yoga Studio and The Conduit for sound healing sessions. All of these activities on top of serious juicing, tea ceremonies and a strict smoothie regimen helps to keep me balanced and moving forward with my health goals. I had a wonderful time hitting up the Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest in March and attending lots of great workshops, like the one done by Alicia O'Hara of both Trance To Change Hypnotherapy and The West Hartford Therapy Center. In addition I attended a sound healing event by The Conduit and explored all the amazing vendors that were present. I would have gone for the second day but I had to get moving on finding craft beer people for May’s upcoming fundraiser, Brewfest at the Beach in New London, CT.

I started working as a consultant with two new clients in March that I think you should really check out, both are on Facebook and Donna also has a website. Donna Gordon, Heartsource Integrative Wellness, and Jeff's Taoist Chinese Tui Na Massage are the names of the businesses. I will have more client updates coming soon, maybe even before the end of April.

One of the things I am starting to do more is speaking arrangements for both social media and wellness advocacy. I had a wonderful evening on March 20th in Groton, CT with the SE (CAPA) Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association discussing Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” and the importance of branding. I was super excited to be invited back in May for a part two. Also sometime in May, I will be doing a talk at the Grove in New Haven, CT. on “Who I am, Is Not What I Do”. In addition to these awesome opportunities I will be working with small businesses in New Haven, teaching a social media series; more on that soon.

As you can see I have been super busy trying to continue to “spiral up” and stay on purpose. One of the most amazing things that took place this month was the release of the anthology I am so proud to be a part of. Rescued Volume 2: The Healing Stories of 12 Cats Through Their Eyes was released by FitCat Publishing and did awesome right out of the gate; landing itself as #1 Hot New Releases on Amazon under Drama and Play Anthologies. My story is about my semi-feral rescue Wu Kitty who is also the online mascot for the Wu Healing Center. Her story is called “Rescued From The Row” and the rescue group she picked to raise money for is The Boston Forgotten Felines. Lots of events are in the works in both MA and CT and the book can be purchased paperback or ebook on Amazon, Kobo, and iBooks. One of my veterinarians, Frontier Wellness Center will also be selling the book at their location in East Granby, CT. Books can be purchased at all events. Lots more updates throughout 2017 on Wu Kitty’s book events and you can always find updates on her Facebook page.

Want to know one of the coolest things about all of this? Being listed as a Goodreads and Amazon author! Give me a follow fearLESS friends I know there will be more to add to both of those pages in the future.

All I can say is thank you fearless friends! Thank you to my family, friends, animal companions, healers and supporters. I feel blessed, on purpose and full of gratitude. I know my healing continues and the journey will have bumps but it feels great right now. I feel connected and grounded and that is a wonderful place to be. I have met so many new people and have been fortunate enough to be welcomed into new circles and business opportunities. As I sit here sipping some Puer tea surrounded by my rescue companions in my cozy, little rental home I just send up a prayer of gratitude. Thanks for keeping me in my “Why” even when it got tough, for surrounding me with amazing people and for always keeping that spark lit inside of me no matter what challenges arise.

Here’s to another fabulous month in April. A time for more growth, beginnings, and adventures. Until then friends keep spiraling up! #BeWell, #DoGood #fearLESS

Namaste, K

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Kim Fleck

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